Fresh Forward Marketing BV
Hogewoerd 1C
6851 ET Huissen
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 344 693314
Email: marketing@fresh-forward.nl
Managing Director: Teunis Sikma
VAT: NL 8149 56 944 B01
Kvk NR Arnhem, The Netherlands: 09153814
Fresh Forward wants to inform its clients and other interested persons about Natyra® and its activities with this website. Therefore, this website is solely informative. We try to keep the information on this website up-to-date. However, no rights can be derived from the information on this website. Fresh Forward is not liable for damage which could occur through the use of information on this website. In case we are informed about errors or wrong information we will do our utmost to correct it as soon as possible. This website or information of this website can only be linked or copied with official permission of Fresh Forward. Both the trademarks and logo’s as well as the varieties mentioned on this website are registered and protected, and the use thereof is explicitly prohibited, unless to the permission of the holder is obtained.
Concept & Design
büro für visuelle gestaltung
Sascha Bernlöhr
Blumenstraße 14
73776 Deizisau
Hauptstraße 20
74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen